International Support for the Philippines Solidifies on 7th Anniversary of Landmark WPS Verdict

Countries worldwide rally in support of the Philippines, reaffirming their backing for the country’s maritime rights, as we mark the 7th anniversary of the pivotal West Philippine Sea ruling.


MANILA – This week marks the seventh anniversary of the historic ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, a pivotal moment that favored the Philippines in its territorial disputes within the West Philippine Sea. As this important milestone is commemorated, numerous nations around the globe have come forward to reassert their support for the Philippines, reinforcing their shared commitment to uphold international law and maritime sovereignty.

In a landmark ruling delivered on July 12, 2016, the international tribunal overwhelmingly favored the Philippines, invalidating China’s claims of historical rights within the maritime zones falling under the ‘nine-dash line’ within the South China Sea, part of which the Philippines refers to as the West Philippine Sea. The decision, seen as a significant victory for the Philippines, underscored the primacy of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and international maritime law.

This year, the affirmation of international support has been echoed by world leaders and foreign ministers from around the world. Countries such as the United States, Australia, Japan, and members of the European Union have reaffirmed their unwavering support for the Philippines. Their joint statements underscore a shared commitment to upholding international law and maintaining peace, stability, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea.

The U.S. Secretary of State stated, “On this seventh anniversary of the Arbitral Tribunal’s decision, we stand with the Philippines, affirming not just the merit of their case, but the broader principle of upholding freedom of the seas. Disputes must be resolved peacefully and in accordance with international law, not by might or coercion.”

Similar sentiments were echoed across other capitals. Australia’s Foreign Minister commented, “As we mark this important anniversary, Australia remains steadfast in its support for the Philippines and the upholding of international law in the South China Sea.”

This international outpour of support offers a significant moral and diplomatic boost for the Philippines as it continues to navigate the complexities of its territorial disputes.

As the Philippines and the international community commemorate this landmark ruling, it is clear that the importance of the West Philippine Sea verdict extends beyond the Philippines, carrying significant implications for international law and order and maritime security across the globe.

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