China’s Use of Water Cannon on PH Boats: “Short of Declaring War,” says AFP Chief

Tensions rise as AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) chief reacts strongly to China’s recent actions in disputed waters.

Manila, Philippines – In a significant escalation of tensions over disputed waters, the chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has made a stark statement regarding China’s recent use of water cannons on Philippine boats. Describing the act as “short of declaring war,” the AFP chief has underscored the seriousness with which the Philippine government views this incident.

The event occurred in a contested region of the South China Sea, where territorial claims overlap between multiple countries, including the Philippines and China. According to reports, Chinese Coast Guard vessels deployed water cannons against Philippine fishing boats operating in the area.

Reacting to the incident, the AFP chief stated, “Such aggressive actions cannot and should not be taken lightly. Using water cannons is a hostile act, just short of an outright declaration of war.”

The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs has lodged a formal protest against China over the incident, demanding an explanation and stressing the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the region.

China’s actions and the strong response from the Philippines indicate the heightened sensitivities surrounding territorial rights and navigational freedoms in the South China Sea. Several ASEAN countries have overlapping claims in the region, and the waterway has been a flashpoint for tensions for many years.

The international community has closely monitored the situation, urging restraint and adherence to international maritime laws and norms. Diplomatic channels are being activated to address the issue, with many hoping for a peaceful resolution to the escalating tensions.

As the situation unfolds, regional and global stakeholders emphasize the importance of dialogue and diplomacy over forceful assertions, hoping to maintain the delicate balance of peace in the South China Sea.

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